ABU 15-jan-2022
ABU 10-Aug-204 - Voronoi 1.0.1 - Added compatibility with Tcl9
Voronoi is s a multiplatform binary package for computing a 2D partition of the plane around some points (seeds). See Wikipedia for an introduction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronoi_diagram
This package contains prebuilt binaries for Windows, Linux and MacOS, the reference documentation, and some small demos you can play with.
Note that this package does not require Tk; it just returns the computed Voronoi geometries as a (long) list of polygons and other auxiliary data (..read the doc). You are then free to render these geometries in a tk-canvas (as shown with the included demos), in another graphical backend (? SVG), or in another application
Version 1.0.1 (10-aug-2024) - adapted for Tcl9 compatibility.
Just for a quick preview, you can play with some included demos even without installing it under a directory pointed by auto_path ; just unzip it under any directory and run "wish demo/demo-01.tcl".
For a full working installation, install the package as a subdirectory of one of the directories given by the auto_path variable.
Voronoi 2D Voronoi Maps generator - Version 1.0 SYNOPSIS package require Voronoi Voronoi _list_of_seeds_ ?-clip _clip_area_? DESCRIPTION The Voronoi command takes a _list_of_seeds_ (i.e. a list of 2D points) and an optional _clip_area_ and returns a list of cells (or regions) describing the geometry of each area growing around each seed. A _list_of_seeds_ can be expressed as a list of coordinate pairs {x0 y0 x1 y1 ......} or as a list of 'points' {{x0 y0} {x1 y1} ...} If the _clip_area_ is not specified, an automatic clip-box is calculated, with extra padding of 10 units. In general, a clip-area is a *convex* polygon whose vertices are expressed as a list of coordinates or as a list of 'points', using the same notation (coords or points) used for the input seeds. As a shorthand, the geometry for a rectangular clip-area can be specified with just two vertices as {xmin ymin xmax ymax} or as {{xmin ymin} {xmax ymax}} All input-seeds outside the clip-area will be excluded. The result is a list of *regions*, one for each input seed (except those seeds outside the clip area). A *region* is a tcl-dictionary with the following entries: "vertices" :: list of the vertices of the region (enumerated in CCW order) "seed-idx" :: integer 0..N - it refers to the i-th input seed (indices are numbered starting from 0) "seed-xy" :: a list of two numbers - the x,y coords of the i-th input seed "centroid" :: a list of two numbers - the computed centroid of the region "area" :: the computed area of the region "neighbors":: a list of integers - list of neighbors seed-idx (see below) plus some optional entries: "fix :: "true" if edge-loop has been fixed for this region (see below) (if the fix was not applied, this entry is not added) *** NOTES: "vertices" in the "vertices" list will be expressed as pairs of coordinates or as a list of 2 coordinates, according to the notation used for the input seeds. Note that a region is a convex polygon and its vertices are always listed in counter-clockwise (CCW) order. "neighbors" is a list of 'indices' (integers), one for each edge of the polygon described by the above "vertices" entry. the j-th 'neighbor' is the "seed-idx" of the region beyond the j-th edge (or -1 if there's no region beyond that edge (this also means that the edge is a boundary edge of the whole diagram)). e.g. given "vertices" {x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xN yN} "neighbors" { 5 -1 ... 3 } then the neighbor beyond the first edge (x0 y0 x1 y1) is the seed 5 the neighbor beyond the second edge (x1 y1 x2 y2) is the seed -1 (no neigbor!) ... the neighbor beyond the last edge (xN yN x0 y0) is the seed 3 *** THE "fix" ENTRY Due to some floating-point approximations in the underlying core algorithm, sometimes vertices of a region are repeated, producing a double 'edge-loop' e.g: instead of {P0 P1...} we got {P0 P1 ... P0' P1'...}. where P0' is 'quite the same' as P0 (error<1e-6) and so P1, P2 , .... This is a rare occurrence, but sometimes it happens! As far as I experienced, this happens only when the number of computed regions is 2 AND a clip-polygon is used (instead of a simple clip-box). The above 2 conditions are not a rule; sometimes a very small variation of the input points, may cause this bug, and sometimes another small variation may produce correct results. As a thumb of rule, a simple *check and attempt to fix* is applied only in these cases, being expensive to apply when the number of regions is large. When this check is applied and an edge-loop is detected, the loop is corrected and, as a remark for debugging, a "fix" entry with value "true" is added to the dictionary of the region. ** DRAWING the Voronoi map in a (Tk) canvas: Here is a simple way to draw and fill the computed geometries. Given $cvs a canvas widgets $seeds a list of input coord pairs, e.g. {x0 y0 x1 y1 .... } set colors {red blue} # -- compute the regions around the seeds ------- set regions [Voronoi $seeds] # ----------------------------------------------- foreach region $regions { set vertices [dict get $region "vertices"] # a simple rule for colors: # regions whose seed is has an even index are "red", others are "blue" set idx [dict get $region "seed-idx"] set color [lindex $colors [expr {$idx%2}]] $cvs create polygon $vertices -fill $color -outline black }
These Voronoi diagrams are computed using the jc_voronoi C library from https://github.com/JCash/voronoi . It's fast and very simple to use, but the underlying floating-point arithmetic is not very robust, so you could find approximated vertices and edges. I can recommend it just for simple graphics.
I'm still looking for a more robust (and simple) C/C++ library ...
Harm Olthof 22-jan-2022: Thanks for providing this library. Did you look at GEOS ? It has a LGPL license, though. There is also CGAL Depending on the package GPL or LGPL.